I absolutely love hair extensions and want your experience to be the same. Here are a few simple tricks that I do to keep my extensions in tip top shape.
~It is recommended that you (using the recommended brush) gently brush and take out any tangles BEFORE washing your hair.
~Always hold the hair weft when brushing and avoid putting any stress on the row.
~Shampoo hair in a gentle manner, following the direction of hair flow.
~Using a sulfate/sulfur-free product, gently shampoo with your head tilted back (not forward)
~Use watered down shampoo in the provided bottle to wash between rows.
~Do not massage/scrub the hair extensions, it will cause matting and tangling.
~Rinse with warm, not hot water, squeeze out excess water, and wrap hair in a towel. Do not use a scrubbing motion to dry the hair. ~Always dry the attachment area to help prevent any matting.
~Condition hair from just below the attachment of the extension to the ends.
~Over washing you hair can dry out the extensions it is recommended to only wash every 2-3 days using stylist recommend products.
~ALWAYS use a heat protection product that says "Protects up to 450°"
Brushing & Styling
~Use a wide-tooth comb to detangle the hair starting at the tips working your way up to the scalp.
~Dry hair 80% to 90% before using an extension brush to finish your blow-dry style.
~Use the recommended hair extension brush.
~Air drying is not recommended but if you do choose to “air dry” it is recommended to blow dry the base of wefts.
~Before blow-drying, separate/detangle the hair using a wide tooth comb.
~Work the hair starting at the ends.
Other Maintenance Reccomendations
~Run fingers through hair daily making sure the rows stay separated.
~Never go to bed with wet hair.
~Always make sure your hair is dry and tied back in a loose ponytail, bun or braid before going to sleep.
~Salt and chlorinated water can break down your hair extensions. To reduce the effects, wash hair after swimming and use a PH balancing agent or conditioner.
~Follow the directions for drying the hair and rows.
~The average person loses 100 of their own hairs per day. Over a period of time, you will accumulate a small amount of naturally released hair in the bonds. This is normal. Regular gentle brushing will reduce the risk of matting and tangling.